Campaign Ends In 1 Hour, Confused About Setting Up Late Pledges
**Update: So what I'm gathering from messing with it... is for current rewards that are live, you keep it listed as "Immediate" and then just change when it ends to "manually end this rewards availability"...
So I read a thread in here a while ago that really confused me...
My campaign ends in an hour...
So I go to my current reward tiers to configure the late pledges...
All I want is for my current reward tiers to switch over to late pledges once the campaign ends.
Do I select start "Immediately" or do I select "When my campaign ends"?
The obvious answer seems like it would be "When my campaign ends" however the thread I read recently, said that selecting that option will remove the current reward tier from the live campaign... and then it will be available again once the campaign actually ends.
If that's the case, that is incredibly confusing on Kickstarter's part...
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Again I am not creating a new reward-tier... I just want my current ones to switch over.