Kill Team too complicated for casual play?

Is Kill Team too complicated? I enjoy playing it, but have some trouble with it. 1. I own over 10 teams. Moving between them is very hard for a casual player such as myself. Faction rules, faction equipment, 8 ploys. That’s for every team, and I’m not even talking about character special options. Maybe I’m just dumb, I play only once per week, switch teams often and just can’t hold all ploys and special rules in my head during game. I often forget about stuff like having balanced in some attacks because I used a ploy 20 minutes ago. 2. It’s hard to onboard new casual players. My wife is an avid board game player, but even after playing with me for 5 games I have to limit what rules we use not to make it too hard for her. It seems I can only play with full rules with people who are REALLY into the game. 3. There a lot of silly rules that competitive players will absolutely abuse against less experienced ones, such us wall hugging and two different types of doors on Volkus. Also the amount of game changing things many teams can do means you will often be surprised mid game by some special rule.

Am I alone in this? I like the game but feel it has been overcomplicated for the sake of competitive play, which alienates casual players.