To “red shirt” or not
Looking for teachers and parents opinions! Overall I recognize the consequences either way are fairly minimal. But I am really stuck on what to do.
My son will turn 5 beginning of June. He’s been in an all day Montessori preschool/daycare since 2023. He can read simple words. Is great with numbers (this seems to be his interest), does well socially. He does have a hard time with drop off most days but recovers quickly.
However, I’ve gone down the red shirt rabbit hole regarding boys. I work in the mental health field and I’m very familiar with the developmental differences between boys and girls. I’ve heard anecdotal accounts of guys I went to school with say it was hard being the youngest in their class.
I don’t want to do a disservice to my son either way. But which is the best route? Start him in Kindergarten this fall or wait another year?
For teachers, does this seem to be an issue? Do younger boys seem to struggle at all?
Or am I possibly overthinking this more than necessary haha!