[KCD2] Why do both games refuse to scale the difficulty of some boss fights to the player level?
KCD2 is still not over but I have to get this off my chest. The only boss fight I have enjoyed across both games is arguably the first boss fight of the first game, which was [KCD1] Runt in Pribyslavitz on my first playthrough.
We all know the issue when new players who beeline the main quest have issues with their fighting skills, while experienced players can take any boss in Unarmed combat. This issue was so apparent in KCD1 that I didn't expect it in KCD2. Two sword hits maximum, and any setpiece boss fight is done and over in this game, and the previous one.
Why they don't apply some sort of scaling to these fights is beyond me. Increase enemy health, increase enemy damage, increase stats on enemy armor, make them attack very fast, dodge fast etc. are all perfectly reasonable solutions to this problem. I know it can never be fully alleviated, but small mercy please! Roadside bandits take multiple hits to the head to bring down (JSBP that we don't have Headcracker...) , whereas any boss fight is done in two hits on ANY body part.
There is so much fanfare around a bossfight. Hours upon hours of cutscenes, narrative buildup, dedicated arena and soundtrack... and it's over in 10 seconds.
Combat in this game feels like playing a mage in Dark Souls *. Normal fights are hard because of numbers disadvantage (which in fact disappeared in this game because you barely get flanked, and the game conditions you into just looking at the Green Shield in the middle of the screen), and boss fights are super easy because you can one-shot them.
Here's to hoping they will look for ways to PARTIALLY scale SOME of the enemies in KCD3, so that all the joint artistic and technical effort of presenting a bossfight doesn't disappear instantly, like tears in rain.
* yes, darksoulsreference.jpeg