Thoughts on the pricing of this dental bill?
I am new to the area and went to get a yearly dental cleaning and x rays. The visit was quick, with the dentist spending very little time talking to me about my teeth or giving care instructions. Most of the time was taking the dental x rays and the cleaning itself. I was not asked if I wanted flouride, but he gave it to me anyways at an additional cost. Anyways, this bill was $500. Yes, 500 D O L L A R S FOR A CLEANING AND XRAYS.
Maybe this is a shock because I havent lived in Ontario before. So, I am coming to reddit. I have a few theories as to why this bill was so high but first would like to get insight from locals. Here is my invoice:
- Complete oral exam
- Complete series (x rays)
- 1/2 unit polishing
- 2 units scaling
- fluoride
- one unit of individual instruction (???)
I have never in my life had such an expensive bill, and I have had many cleanings, scans, and fillings.