Cleaning up Kolkata. Can we?

So Kolkata has a pretty big garbage problem. While we may not be in the top ten dirty cities of the country, we aren't also in the top 10 cleanest. I understand it's something the government should promote through infrastructure and education, however we are also aware about the unfortunate incapabilities of our government. I would like to know if we as the residents of the city could take up sort of a citizens movement to clean up our city and maintain its cleanliness. In Bangalore during the 2014-15 period I remember citizens in some localities would gather on weekends and clean up the roadside dump yards, paint the walls and put up clean dustbins. For every spot they probably had to do it 2-3 times before the practise and cleanliness was maintained. Bangalore folks also took up the initiatives to clean up their lakes. I see similar waterbody clean up initiatives taken up in many south east asian cities on YouTube.

Do you think we could use this forum to create such localised groups and do a citizen movement on cleaning up our city? How can we do it? What are the challenges we could face and how do you think we could address them? Or am I being too optimistic and undermining our liking for lyaadh >> cleanliness.

Thank You!