Why so many institutions are immediately complying and not fighting a D, E, I ban - from the terrifying legal perspective.
Hi friends -
I admit that I have not been online very much and so don't know if anyone has shared this here already. I wanted to share some information that I've been given that can help explain why so many institutions are not fighting against and are immediately complying with the Executive Order demanding the removal of D,E, I, ( I am separating because as insane as it is, this is a phrase that is being scanned for by the DOJ) language and programming.
If you are like me, you may have taken how quickly universities and other institutions started complying to this order as cowardly, or revealing how they never actually cared about this stuff in the first place. While I completely understand that sentiment, I think the reality is actually worse. I'm sharing some information that I received from leadership at my institution - and note that this is not speculation but this is actual legal counsel from the roster of lawyers advising my institute.
What would the consequences of not complying be? They would immediately be at risk of civil or criminal prosecution by the government. If an institute that receives federal money does not comply with this executive order, they will be accused of defrauding the government under the False Claims Act and be at risk of prosecution. Essentially, the legal rational is that they are potentially using federal money for something that they have just made illegal and the Feds are posturing to immediately prosecute non-compliers.
I am not a legal expert, but there are also some terrifying things about how this False Claims Act can be used in this context, as it is can be used by anyone who acts as a 'whistleblower' to accuse people or programs of this defrauding with the full jurisdiction of the federal government. You can read a little more about this legal threatening here:
Additionally, there is currently no way to legally challenge this EO, because it falls in line with the repealing of Affirmative Action that happened in 2023. So apparently courts are completely unwilling to hear any legal challenges to it.
*Edit* This part got deleted apparently. But I just wanted to say that I am sorry I don't have a joyful way to conclude this. But I think it is important to share and inform you all of the situation.
I completely understand and also felt the anger and the cynicism as I saw so many institutions just go 'mask. off' and not even try to stand up to this. But I hope this can help us rally together behind our institutions and behind science, which are currently being dismantled.
Sending you all love and please do something nice and human for yourself today <3