Nervous About SMILE Recovery – Big Event 2 Weeks After Surgery

Hey everyone, I have a SMILE surgery scheduled for February 17th. My prescription is -5.50 and -6.25, and while I’m trying to stay positive, I can’t help but feel nervous—especially after reading so many stories here.

What worries me most is that I’m meeting my boyfriend for the first time on March 3rd. We’re long-distance, and this is a really special moment for me. I’m afraid that two weeks of recovery won’t be enough and that I won’t be able to fully enjoy our time together.

My doctor reassured me that I’ll be able to live normally the next day and should be perfectly fine before he arrives, but I’m still anxious. If you’ve had this procedure, was two weeks enough for a full recovery? This means a lot to me, so I want to be absolutely sure.