Feeling Lost: How to Integrate Faith with the Law of Assumption?

Hello everyone,

I’m writing in hopes of calming my anxiety. For about ten years now, I’ve believed in the power of manifestation, the law of attraction, detachment, and the universe. I’ve always felt a divine presence around me and never questioned it. I believe that God is the universe and that this divine power simply has different names. However, today, for the first time, I questioned that belief.

A bit of background: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for the past year. I deeply love him and strive to maintain our relationship despite our differences. One significant difference is that he comes from a Muslim family. Although he isn’t particularly religious, he believes in a creator. He doesn’t believe in manifestation and similar concepts but has always respected my beliefs. Today, something he said triggered me to question everything I know. I’ve always struggled to reconcile manifestation teachings with the way I was raised as an Orthodox Christian.

My question is: how do you think God or religion integrates with manifestation, the law of attraction, and detachment? Can I believe in both? Are God and the universe two separate entities, or are they the same mighty power with different names?

Thank you so much in advance for your answers. I feel lost and alone. I know there is something divine and powerful out there, but my mind cannot currently comprehend the difference.

Sending love to all.