help needed🙏🙏
I usually don’t write in these and just read everyone else’s story’s but i’ve been in a funk for about a year. At one point I was manifesting the impossible, And I mean a completely new life. I moved states ( literally not in terms of manifestation) and manifested my dream friend group, and it all completely materialized ( i was manifesting rich friends at this time and my current best friend lives in a huge house on the beach, a yacht, and jet skis, i manifested her family would love me and her family literally loves me so much they take me in as their own (this successfully materialized about a year ago and took me 2 weeks to a month to manifest i don’t remember)) Anyways I say this because I have so much proof that the law is real but i can never seem to manifest romantic sps. For some reason No matter how hard i try or how little i try ive never had it fully materialize. I’ve successfully manifested the first sp i ever had, however we didn’t live in the same state so I only got to see how he conformed to my thoughts through messages and things he would post. However now that i’ve had a couple SPs that i wanted to manifest, and that lived near me it has became more difficult. I will get some breadcrumbs that my affirmations are kind of working but never the full thing.3ps also come up a lot in my reality’s with multiple sps. And since i’m not new to the law i know if i want it to change i must flip these thoughts. For months ive been working on me, and this means in all aspects. Working on my self concept, going to the gym, yoga, hanging out with friends and family, trying to enjoy each moment. And I feel truly better inside and overall more happy. But when i think about manifesting a sp or the sp i want to currently manifested i feel like im holding myself back because of how many times ive went all in on manifesting an sp and never got it. It’s almost like at this point im bracing for impact ( preparing myself to not get it) because of how much faith ive put into my manifesting before and nothing has completely materialized. If you have been in a similar situation please help, and if you haven’t but know where i am going wrong please let me know