Incredible success story with money and I'm shaking!!

I'm still in shock at how fast this worked!

So I want to start by saying I’ve had a few really cool success stories already this month.

One was attracting a friend back that ghosted me (just strictly through feeling good)and another was there is this really expensive and trendy restaurant I wanted to go in my city, but it was just too expensive at that moment for me to go. So I decided I was going anyway and I was constantly liking their posts and sure enough the restaurant randomly messages me on my Instagram a few days later and invites me to come over if I will post a review on my instagram!

The next amazing success story happened about a week ago. I have been having some nice Sales in my online store and I had finally got almost exactly enough to pay off my credit card debt. I was ecstatic and then out of nowhere my dad tells me he needs some help financially because the business has been stagnant for him and I told him I will give him the money from my online store. Afterwards, I felt incredibly discouraged that now I can’t pay off my credit card debt, which was my biggest goal. I just started thinking about my previous successes and how now I know, without a doubt that the law is real so I just kept visualizing he’s going to have a financial windfall.

So today I’m about to walk out the door to go to work and my dad said he has some incredible news for me. He had just got off the phone and got an incredible financial opportunity and within a week he’s going to have over $30,000.

I’m telling y’all this stuff really works just keep putting in the work and dropping that worthless old story. I promise you if you stick to it everything is going to change.