BU Rejection…
I just got rejected from BU. I... what the fuck? I was not expecting that. This is the first school I've heard back from, so this stings a lot and I feel kind of sick.
I ran a 3.9 for my last five semesters of college, got a 168, worked in the courts for two years and then a municipality, co-authored a social science paper, have letters from a judge and two profs who know me well, and I think I wrote some strong essays.
This hurts.
Edit: I updated my GPA next to my username to reflect the LSAC GPA, which was a 3.62 if you see a discrepancy! I had put my undergrad GPA there previously, but someone corrected me and said that's not the one to use here.
Further comment: guys I know it wasn't in the bag, I was just sad for my first response to be a rejection from a school I'd been crossing my fingers for. I try to be optimistic in general but that means that sometimes I get my butt kicked by reality. I'm starting to feel embarrassed now for being hopeful.