in 10 years of playing this game the weirdest game i ever win just happen

Just want to share my last game experience with the community.

-one win from gold 3, I went Veigar mid,
-Bot lane got sitted and gapped. Arcane Jinx tilted at minute 15 and type "i quit" in chat.
- Jinx proceded to afk, then comeback and run it down (literally) bot lane once or twice. also was just dancing in the same spot for 3 minutes till elise ocasionally found her and kill her.

-Me and the boys hold the game, in fact we were in controll 4v5 for sometime but they got baron and then we were trying to get sould but lost the fight hard.
They got two inbs down and one nexus towers.
- we stall a bit more.
-At this point jinx is pushing side lane but never interact in anyone, she is just doing it to avoid afk penalty (?).

-LAst TF on baron. We loose hard. 3 of them are still alive and they just run to our base to end the game. We have TWO INBS DOWN and no nexus towers (last one just fell to minions)
-Jinx pushing side lane but still in first base tower.
They start hitting nexus and our inting jinx starts it nexus towers.
-Two inbs spawn, vex sera and orn confused and start hiting inbs.
-They see jinx may finish first and orn backs.
.they got inb and hit nexus again

- OUR NEXUS AT 30 % but the inting jinx who was not playing 70% of the game closes the game in the most artistic way the rift as ever seen.

GG but reported.