New champion pool top

The title says it all. Want to renew my whole champion pool for s15. Basically I want a start over and a completely fresh start and I'm looking for a really interactive champion. So no champion like Mundo, Garen, Malphite, etc, you get it. My first ideas were leaning towards Gangplank and Riven and then i thought of playing Kled but I'm really unsure. Gangplank looks fun but seems hella bad in this meta and as for riven she seems match up dependant. But I'm definitely liking them kits, I need a champion that has fun spells or mechanics. About Kled, his kit seems unidimensional he doesn't seem like he has alot of depth so I'm not sure about picking him up. Any ideas and suggestions are very welcomed and I'm still open for less mechanical champion, but it NEEDS to be interactive or to have depth; this is all I ask for.

Edit: I really don't care if the champion is hard to play as long as it's fun