Low Elo ranked is infested with smurf accounts.
Every season, low elo games are full of smurf accounts as they wait for the game to be balanced after the new season and the changes it contains.
But this season seems to me to be completely extreme in terms of smurf accounts. I'm starting now in gold after the promos and every second game has an obvious smurf account on one side or the other (lee sin 100% win rate, 30 KDA, fresh account, etc.).
What happened?
As if it wasn't enough that you have to deal with coin flips on teammates and their performance every game, now you also have to take into account smurf accounts that simply one sided ruin the game.
For me as a player who has been playing the game since season 1 and now has limited time to play video games due to things like family, work, other hobbies, etc., this is extremely frustrating.
Do you think there is anything that can be done about this problem, or is it something that simply cannot be influenced and company can do nothing about it? What are your thoughts on this? Have you had similar experiences?