All tank items should give a % damage decrease to the purchaser

Every tank item purchased should give -5% damage or some other arbitrary value that riot can run simulations on to test what makes the most sense.

This way, tahm, maokai, other tanks don't 1 shot any other champ in game because they for whatever reason thinks all tanks need an ability with 25% max hp damage, this also stops champs like jayce have degenerate tank builds.

In the past, they have stated they don't want degenerate gameplay like nocturne in lanes, but jayce can just buy 6 tank items and still 1 shot any champ in game because his base damage is so high + e is I think 20% max hp magic damage on like a 6 second cooldown? I just can't comprehend how nocturne is considered degenerate but you can just build tank items on any champ in the game right now and thats not considered degenerate