A Prayer for NA

Our father, who art in heaven this day

We pray this prayer for the deliverance of NA

We thank you God for striking down the era of TSM

So that finally it seems we have a chance at a win

We give thanks for the IG series at MSI

But we understand for our hubris Liquid had to die

Thank you for C9’s semis run last fall

This year we humbly ask you to allow us to win it all

This October on the European stage

Bless bot lane picks to stray away from Mage

Keep the meta fast and river fight heavy

These are the win conditions we prefer to levy

As play ins start tomorrow morn

We pray for Splyce’s chances to be scorn

May the weak early game side we see

So Clutch may be placed in B

Place forgetfulness upon the drafter’s hands

So they may leave out Qiyana, Rumble, Skarner bans

Bless our young Cody Sun with a mind at ease

No flashes into the enemies please

Bring Huni a holo holo holo lot of gold

To takedown his former teams as it was foretold

And God if you would be so keen

Please do not bring forth the Lira of 2018

And Lord we know you guided the scheduling with NA in mind

Thank you for scheduling CG matches during Tanner time

Father you know on Vulcan everyone sleeps

Bless him to play with clean roams, hooks, and sweeps

The world pretends a group C Clutch has no hope

But that’s when NA shines the most

RNG and SKT are outdated, everyone knows Fnatic’s overrated

We pray for Clutch to be activated

Bless Team Liquid, God, our chosen troops

Make this the year they break through groups

We all know Uzi form Doublelift is the best player to ever play

Grant him his Summoner’s cup this day

Guide Xmithie’s Sejuani R’s

As he ganks and peels for our superstars

And grant lane dominance to our chosen shield

As Impact makes an impact on any champ he wields

And even though Jensen will be playing apart from C9

Return his Korea-slaying skills in kind

Thank you for the blessing of world champion CoreJJ

Let him be glad he returned to NA

And Lord if it be your will to place Damwon in D

We ask you for at least a second-place berth for TL to see

As Steve has said this team is ready to win it all

So Lord please allow IG to continue to fall

And for C9, we thank you in advance

We already know Griffin and G2 have no chance

We trust you will deliver C9 to quarters once more

As you have done five times before

Thank you for parting Griffin from their coach

We ask for you to grant us more of their signature chokes

Please start Craps and troll Perkz on G2

We offer up their history of inconsistent groups to you

May our chosen daughter be insane

Lord, be with Sneaky while in lane

And bless Svenskeren, our MVP

And while you’re at it bless the meta with some Lee

May Zeyzal shine and engage without fear

Place wisdom in his holy beard

Give Licorice many winning matchups

Leave Sword, Wunder, and 3z playing catchups

God, be with Nisqy, our newest hope

And if we could get some good Veigar lanes, that would be dope

And if Reapered decides to play Deftly or the Fish

Insane Ezreal and Kindred would be our wish

Be with NA through every phase

Allow us many 3-0 days

Through play-ins, groups, or a knockout game 5

Keep our well placed hopes alive

NA has a history of faltering, this is true

But this year will be different, we trust in you

As we have been through Reddit taught

It’s called “Trash Can” not “Trash Cannot”
