Beginner: Start Command a PDF?
I'm reading Learn SQL in 24 Hours by Ryan Stephens and I'm trying my best to not give up --
I've successfully downloaded Oracle and have access to SQLPLUS -- but the first directions say to create a table based on the supplemental downloaded material
Earlier in the book there was a link to the books website that had 4 downloads that are called tables.sql, data.sql and 2 bonus materials of similar names
when I download they are Pdf's -- now here's where I'm stuck
the directions say to use the following code to load the table into the database...
SQL> start c:\sqlbook\tables.sql
The issue i'm running into is that this (see attached photo) -- I'm such a newbie that I'm not sure if these directions are written badly or if I just didn't do something right (and yes, I voluntarily chose to learn SQL)
Any help?
Edit: Forgot Picture SMH