Need help with this assignment for college

def draw_square(square_turtle, x, y, side_length):
    # Position the turtle
    square_turtle.setposition(x, y)
    # Make the square
    for side in range(4):

def draw_wall(wall_turtle, x, y, height):
    for square in range(5):
        draw_square(wall_turtle,x ,y,height)
        wall_turtle.forward(20 + height)

draw_wall(drawing_turtle, 2, 20, 10)

drawing_turtle = Turtle()

This assignment calls for me to draw 5 square walls with gaps in between them

btw this is using import turtle*

I have to use the draw_square function that was provided to me with a loop to draw each square

My problem is that I cannot draw the gap because each time the draw_square function is called the x and y position is reset so it keeps just drawing a square over itself 5 times

Any help is welcome

Thanks :)