So, HA supporters I ask again, still think getting involved in the war was a good idea for HA and Lebanon as a whole?

Edit: ok after reading some of the replies I just thought of this:

Hezeb was supposedly initially founded as a resistance to protect the south from an unprovoked Israeli invasion.

Fantastic, not ideal such as having a solid Lebanese army, but okay what can we do.

Now, what the actual f*ck does Gaza have to do with protecting the south? So HA to decides to defend it?

I bet the people HA was meant to protect are super happy right now that the south is getting flattened.

Again HA is supposed to be protecting the south, but they were tricked into believing they are now all powerful and can threaten everyone including Israel. They made a joke out of you, in 1 minute, they eliminated top to mid leadership, and are now coming to crush the rest of you. And god knows where till with takes us. But Hamdella stachhadna right?

If HA stuck to its initial role and known its place, you would have had the support of 100% of the country.