So for the last couple of years, I’ve been using timberline organic topsoil for my leopard geckos substrate. I bake it for 2 hours at 200 degrees to sterilize the dirt. I love this soil bc it doesn’t contain any fertilizer or harsh chemicals, & it has been a wonderful substrate for my baby Mochi, I’ve just noticed that there’s so many pieces of bark/sticks in there that I have to sift out. It’s not a super difficult process to sift all of it out, it’s worth the little bit of extra work to make my baby happy, but it’s just more so annoying than anything 🤣 just wondering if you guys have any recommendations on any other types of organic topsoil that doesn’t contain so many rocks/bark/sticks? Thanks in advance 🤗
So for the last couple of years, I’ve been using timberline organic topsoil for my leopard geckos substrate. I bake it for 2 hours at 200 degrees to sterilize the dirt. I love this soil bc it doesn’t contain any fertilizer or harsh chemicals, & it has been a wonderful substrate for my baby Mochi, I’ve just noticed that there’s so many pieces of bark/sticks in there that I have to sift out. It’s not a super difficult process to sift all of it out, it’s worth the little bit of extra work to make my baby happy, but it’s just more so annoying than anything 🤣 just wondering if you guys have any recommendations on any other types of organic topsoil that doesn’t contain so many rocks/bark/sticks? Thanks in advance 🤗