I'm starting to hate non-Republicans (still hate Republicans don't worry)
Why is it that Democrats, Moderates, and other 3rd party voters all can seem to rally behind sending aid to other countries, legislation for foreign wars, economic trades, etc. But they can't get behind keeping our human rights intact. Sure us queer and trans folk are huge talking points for elections....
But fucking seriously. Where the fuck is the outrage, why are people not freaking out that they want to outlaw us, to remove our rights and make us disappear. And no outrage from outside the community.
I hate this world for how truly terrible they continue to treat us. And it's hard to keep hope. I'm not legally allowed to change my gender markers or I'll be arrested and force detransitioned. They want to make it illegal for me to get my HRT. They want to make gay marriage illegal again. I'm so tired. 30yrs of life and all I've seen in the past few years is a lifetime of progress all being overturned.
All I want is to be happy and not have to worry for a single day about what radical laws some asshole is going to decide to push through.