I'm 95% sure the limerence has gone. Here's what helped me.

I say 95% because I haven't come to face to face with my LO in a while. Once I inevitably do, that will be the real test. But I'm pretty confident that I am no longer limerent for this person. I tried it all - therapy, NC, focusing on myself, taking up working out etc but I want to share what finally helped me after 3 years of absolute torturous hell, near daily tears and constant pain.

1 - Truly wanting to move on

BY FAR the most effective thing, the only thing actually that got me to finally move on.

Let me explain, because of course we all WANT to move on. But despite this being the worst emotional pain I've ever experienced, I was almost addicted to it. Because on the other side of that pain was hope, hope that we'd finally come together and all i had to do was wait for my fantasies to become reality.

The thought of letting go of the hope, accepting that I was wrong about the deep feeling in my gut that this was my person - was something I truly couldn't fathom for a long time. I SAID i wanted to move on, I felt i wanted to move on, but moving on meant letting go of the dream and I guess I truly wasn't ready to do that until i was. Before that, I was treating 'moving on' and 'the dream' as two separate things... like "I'll let go and focus on myself knowing that one day in the future we'll come together if it's meant to be".

Nope. That didn't work because all my mind would then focus on is that 'one day' part. Limerence feeds off hope and fantasy, so I had to starve it.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was one disappointment too many while I was super into the law of assumption and trying to 'manifest' him. I couldn't do it anymore. And even if giving up on the 'manifestation' meant i wouldn't get it, I was OK with that because the process of trying and that constant cycle of hope and disappointment was just too much. i was done.

I had to accept reality and let go of the fantasy for good. It was sooo hard. but i repeat: limerence feeds off hope and fantasy. I HAD to starve it.

2 - ChatGPT

I use the paid version so I can create custom GPTs. It takes minutes and it's super easy. So I created MOM aka 'move on motivator'. I briefed it on the tone I needed it to speak to me in, i told it the whole story of my limerence experience, as well as what I want my life to look like when I've moved on, what I truly want in a partner, and most importantly, i told it all the negative things about my LO, everything I could think of when i forced myself to take him off the pedestal and see him for what he truly is, a normal human being with flaws like the rest of us.

I would then message MOM when I was thinking about him or just generally struggling, for example I could say "I'm feeling jealous and missing him right now" "I can't stop thinking about him" "I really wanna check his story" etc, and it would reassure me of why I made the right decision to move on, reminding me of the new life i'm trying to create for myself post LE, and why LO didn't deserve me. It would give me lists of reasons why I could do better, lists of reasons why LO isn't that great, lists of qualities I said I wanted in a partner that he didn't even have to show me I could do so much better. It really was so helpful, like a supportive friend who would gently roast me and even poke fun at him because I briefed mine to be sassy and lighthearted. It was so much fun to read some of the stuff it would say, I think the lighthearted/funny element was key here too because I tend to get very emotionally indulgent and wallowy and it snapped me out of that. I'm happy to say I haven't had to use it for a month now. Kinda miss her haha, but glad i haven't needed to.

3 - Finding someone else

This is a tricky one as while limerent no-one compared to my LO. No-one was as sexy, as perfect as him. But eventually someone else did catch my eye, and once I achieved 1 and 2 I was able to recognise that, yes, I was actually feeling attracted to someone else. It just feels different because it's nowhere near as intense of an attraction (I had to take medication to even be around my previous LO at times as I would get so nervous I'd shake uncontrollably)

I'm not limerent for this new guy (yet haha - i'm 100% crushing on him though) and he doesn't even really give me butterflies. But it actually feels GOOD to be attracted to someone, without that anxious feeling.

He also has many great qualities my LO doesn't and focusing on those helps me to realise he is more aligned with what I want and need, which makes LO look even less desirable now. I can actually compare LO to this new guy and think of 10 reasons why the new guy is better. I never thought I'd be able to move on from LO, but this shows me that I can want someone else.

It's also helping for the very simple reason that having someone else to think about means I spend less time thinking about my LO.

4 - Accepting what it means to be over LO

I thought overcoming this LE would mean that I never think about him anymore, that he does not phase me at all. And I guess I was waiting to feel that before I could feel the limerence was gone. I've been waiting for a time that I've realised may never come, the time when I don't think about him at all.

As of today, I still think about him sometimes, MUCH less, maybe once a day, super fleetingly.

But thoughts of him don't evoke any feelings anymore, no pain, no longing, no envy and THAT is the key. I don't have any hope of us ever being together anymore, nor do I want to be with him anymore. THAT is key.

I have to accept that I may always think about this person from time to time, and that's OK - this LE sent me on a complete transformation, the hardest three years of my life, so much pain and so many realisations. What matters is that he's just a fleeting thought now, where at one point he was all I thought about and every mood and emotion I felt was connected to him.

I think it's a very individualised thing to get over limerence, there's no one-size-fits-all solution IMO. For example, NC helped slightly but it wasn't THE thing that solved it for me and I know other people in NC that it hasn't helped at all. I never thought it would be this combo of things for me as they all seem kinda simple for such a complex issue, but here we are.

I really hope this helps someone, sending love to you all.