Daniel Park got bitch slapped out of the competition. Comment below which arc should go next as we continue The Search For Lookism's Best Arc (ROUND 45)

This arc was mostly known for being the in between arc that helped set up the Homeless arc. Though it was voted out due to it not doing much outside of that for some. Which Arc will be out next? Which Arc will live to see another round? The choice is yours, make sure to comment down below which arc you want gone. Top comment / the one with the most upvotes will be eliminated

This arc was mostly known for being the in between arc that helped set up the Homeless arc. Though it was voted out due to it not doing much outside of that for some. Which Arc will be out next? Which Arc will live to see another round? The choice is yours, make sure to comment down below which arc you want gone. Top comment / the one with the most upvotes will be eliminated