What was Jacob’s criteria for selecting
What qualities do you think Jacob was observing to decide on a replacement, the show never mentions or touched on that.
We know that mothers are crossed off, but what else exactly would cause Jacob to cross off a name and find them unworthy?
When the survivors arrive at the island Jacob is supposedly watching them constantly, but doesn’t reach a decision - despite months passing. What exactly was he analysing so thoroughly in their character and dynamics? Why not just choose Locke?
We also know he doesn’t like Ben , or think he is worthy (I’m guessing because of evil / dishonest tendencies like murder and lying for self interest) but Jacob chose murderers, goons, liars, and convicts to the Island to be candidates.
He also never considered Richard a candidate (otherwise he would have offered it to him by now), or any of The Others, despite dedication to the wellbeing of the Island. So what gives exactly? What was he looking for in a successor?
TDLR; we know selfish people and mothers are not suitable qualities for Jacob’s successor, but what was he looking for in your opinion?