Was ghosting a toxic friend the wrong thing to do?
I know the title itself will get a specific response, it hear me out.
I had known this guy for 20+ years. We had some good times but I felt like I was being treated like shit. He'd make mean jokes about my family, constantly accuse me of doing things to spite him (me going to the gym was me trying to become a bodybuilder to show off, being nice to cashiers was flirting, etc.), get mad if I saw movies without him, get angry if I didn't agree with him when he complained about "woke people", hold grudges because I didn't take his unsolicited advice and even called my future wife "his replacement".
I tried for years to talk to him about his treatment of me. He'd say sorry but get right back to it so I realized sorries were just a way to end conversations. I had mentioned that if things don't change, it might be better to end things which would result him bursting into tears while his girlfriend calls me horrible for hurting him.
In the end, I just texted him that I wished him well and blocked him on all venues. I felt like talking to him would be pointless, he'd cry and make me feel like a horrible person if I had told him in person. But I also feel like a coward, like I could have done the honorable and mature thing and said it in person.