Follicular and/or DLBCL

Hey folks,

Sad to join your community but so grateful it exists. 33f in the UK diagnosed with follicular lymphoma on 18 Dec, still working my way through the full diagnostic process.

I had a swollen node taken out on 23 Dec, which shows follicular lymphoma grade 3A, however my CT showed a 10cm lump in my belly which my haem-oncologist said looked “strange” (maybe cystic?) on my PET scan so I had a CT-guided biopsy of that on Thursday.

As I have no B symptoms and we’re going through fertility preservation at the moment to freeze some embryos, my team don’t seem in a huge rush so my next appointment isn’t until 11 Feb. My test results have all been coming back in dribs and drabs (eg we got my CT back the next day, but it took 3 weeks for the excisional biopsy results / at my last appointment my dr had seen my PET scan but hadn’t received the report) so I’ve also not actually seen any images of what’s going on in my body yet.

They’ve said that either way I’ll be starting some sort of treatment next month, but I think my question is this - through all of this it has been explained as though it might be follicular (not curable), or it might have transformed into a more aggressive B cell lymphoma like DLBCL (curable), but am I right now in my realisation that it could be both? That with treatment we might wipe out the more aggressive bits, but I’ll still have follicular forever?