Coworker doesnt actually work

Just need to vent. I do general maintenance for a hospital as does this coworker.

Guy in my shop who works the second shift doesn’t do anything. You can give him work orders, write stuff on the white board for him, even print out a work order and put it where he normally sits, and he just won’t do it.

When a bunch of ceiling tiles in the cafeteria are stained, I can’t exactly start replacing them directly over the heads of people eating, so second shift has to do it, and if they don’t do it, it doesn’t get done. But I’m the one who gets the blame. And it’s like that in multiple areas of the hospital. But he couldn’t be bothered. All he does all night is watch ESPN and stuff his face. He even gets paid an extra %15 because it’s second shift

I hope he retires this year and they put someone who’s worth a damn in his place