Anyone else tired of supports basically having the same ults?

Luna, Mantis, C&D and now Invisible Woman all have ults that basically just say "No one dies". It's lame and just wins or stalls fights. Please for the love of God be more creative and stop with this lazy ult design. So much about this game has a lot of creativity and cool shit not to mention all the comic/film material to work with so please do something interesting besides the same thing over and over. I thought when reading IWs ult it would just heal a little and you'd mostly use it for the utility of not being seen or maybe make it so ults that auto attack people like Psylock just don't work in the ult but instead it makes people unkillable. Only nice thing about it is that it doesn't last as long as the other ults mentioned.

Edit: I want to clarify I'm not saying remove these ults, I'm not saying "I want DPS to be able to kill everyone" even though it's literally their jobs. What I'm saying is there are healthier more skill based ways to make support ults. Some people have said that if supports don't have an unkillable button that they are worthless. I say that's bad character design. Not all DPS even the meta ones just instantly win fights with their ults. With game sense you'll know that the ult is coming and can play around it. Supports (I've played a lot of supports) gain their ult faster than any role in the game so long as their team is taking damage for them to heal. I've gotten 2 ults before a dps gets their first even if they are performing well just by mashing healing. Is it fine we have 4 characters with practically the same ults? Sure but do we really need more? Can't we have more unique ults more unique gameplay besides stall button? Most of you are probably the type to think Jeff's ult is OP when it's highly telegraphed and if you just split up or play high ground for like 5 seconds he will at most get 1 kill. Some say spider mans ult is OP well what if I told you, you can stun him out of it and or split up when you think it's coming? Starlord? Go inside behind cover, stun him (not super easy I know), have a Hela two tap him, shield it. Psylock? You can use Mobility to split up and get distance away from her. Will most of these ults kill 1 person minimum? Yeah but it's a DPS ultimate that's kinda the point. They don't get it super fast and one kill doesn't make or break a fight especially if your team has good mechanical skills. I know a lot of what I said doesn't fit into the casual play style but in a casual environment why would it matter if you play a unique support without a unkillable button? I'm a rocket main I get big value out of my damage boost ult which I get rapidly, I get value out of my revives, I do on average 22+ k healing and I don't get Flamed for playing him even in ranked. Ive played around all the ults most complain about even with characters with little movement. Anywho I'm done rambling.