If I get another group that is afraid of the objective I'm gunna lose my mind. Why isn't there YouTube videos explaining this?
People say things like the best tip is this the best tip is that, no the best tip is not being scared of point.
I'm a strategist main. I think I do my job fairly well. So I find it very disrespectful when my team doesn't wanna touch the point just because the enemy team is. What are you scared of? Dying? You know my job is to heal you right? So push up, let's get in there and let's brawl. If they used an aggressive support Ult sure. Back up. But half the time that isn't even the case.
I don't like having a Peni on the enemy team. Because my teammates think Peni on point equals can't touch there's nothing we can do. I don't think Peni is bad. Not meta. I think she's useable. But I think she is op because she has a natural debuff for my teammates. Fear. And Peni players on my team have a debuff as well. Enemy team is pushing cart. Because you're on penni you think you can't touch and will either back up or let them come to your webs.
Cool were giving them free distance? Sick. I kid you not I genuinely think my win rate when we aren't scared of the enemy team or the point is almost 100%. If we lose cool, gg we tried. In fact that's the only time I'll ever tell the enemy team gg. Was when we both weren't scared of each other and brawled. It can get crazy. A mistake could cost me the fight. Cool. It was fun. Maybe I threw somehow somewhere. Wasted Ult, reacted slowly, wasted a survival tool and got caught. I'm not gunna complain or place blame. You will never hear me complain about a game where both teams aren't scared.
But when I have my tanks allergic to point because peni is there idk. When I have tanks afraid to touch when supported by two healers idk. When we back up despite no support Ult being used idk.
Guys, if the enemy team does not Ult. You stand your ground. You either back up if ults get used, or you counter Ult and stand your ground.
But please. If I have to tell my teammates to stop backing up and to stand on point I'ma lose my mind. Unless I am dived, there's very little possibility you're gunna die. If you do I'll politely request swapping to a tank with a shield to put up to survive a bit longer. Or triple support.