No one talks about healer skill requirements
I see alotta discussion about healers not being supported or that everyone else is falling them or needs to constantly protect them in the back line
I play my fair share of support and I have to say comments like this just indicate you’re not playing support very well
As a strategist you need to actually SUPPORT your team’s play style.
So many healers will just hang back on a 90% dive composition healing the one tank who’s poking indefinitely and not getting any kills.
I once had a mantis let me (a Venom) a Spider-Man and a iron fist all die because he decided to stay on point after we pushed people into retreat and refused to heal at the second choke. The guy made a snide remark about it like we were over extending to without any game awareness at all.
I swapped to support afterwards and pocket healed our Thor as rocket and we decimated the enemy backline and won the game.
Long story short if you only ever stay in the backline and don’t swap to a better healer or play style for your teams play style your the problem not your Dps
Don’t play a close range healer if yer team splits up to defend.
Don’t play a healer with no survival ability if you’re diving.
Make sure you can pump out at least 10k heals if your team is playing poke.
If you’re being dove constantly pick rocket or dagger and get in the center of yer team rather than the back line.
Also assist on kills and help finish big team fights. If your team over extends finish the team wipe than tell everyone to retreat afterwards. Don’t just pull your heals and throw the momentum because you want to misapply positioning strategy.
If you have one player getting 90% of the kills and you have a second healer, pocket your ace and let the other healer take care of the others.
It’s not about the numbers it’s about covering your team’s weaknesses and backing there strengths