This game needs a positive endorsement system to encourage non-toxic play

Overwatch for all it's faults had the right idea allthough semi poor execution for an endorsement system which encouraged players to endorse others and therefore maintain high endorsement through playing well, as a team and kind, for rewards.

Originally it was segmented into different forms of upvotes, but scaled back to a singular version for speed, whilst removing for the most part the rewards you get from having high endorsement.

This game, could benefit from such a system, as all systems usually benefit from a carrot and a stick approach.

Most people see toxicity as a report and move on and a "I'll make another account scenario". People only care about bans when they've spent money, or have grinded tons.

But giving players something that can be taken away from their account/earned by being kind and good in the game, is something that can only breed more positivity.

Easiest implementation I see, is changing upvotes to endorsements. Have an overall counter on your account for your total lifetime endorsements.

Grant periodic experience and Chrono tokens for being a consistently endorsed player. And a player title for reaching the highest level of endorsement.

Then, preferably have a minimum endorsement level for competitive that must be maintained outside of ban status. Purely for the sake of reports lowering them below the regular 0 endorsement level, therefore requiring players to maintain positive action to reengage with competitive

(E.g if your at -1 endorsement level through reports resetting you, you cannot play competitive until you either are endorsed enough in quickplay or time it out)

In addition having an indicator around ones player icon on the hud screen denoting positive players would also lead to people wanting to be viewed that way.

Tldr positive reinforcement system for endorsing players that rewards the player for being a good positive person would go leagues to combat toxicity along with demoting people who are toxic to a sub-level of endorsement requiring them to be a nicer person before engaging in competitive/voice comms etc..

Also player rewards for being endorsed.