Reddit treats mechanical skill expression as the end-all-be-all, and it’s incredibly foolish

I put mechanics at top 4 most important skill in Marvel Rivals. You know what I put above that?

Game sense, teamfight awareness & positioning (not in any order)

Let’s look at multiple examples and scenarios to prove my point:

1) People still talk shit about rocket raccoon.

Imma be honest, you might not see the tangible value of a sub-min free rez, consistent sustain healing and enough up close dps to shred dive tanks.

There isn’t much mechanical skill in holding RMB, but there’s so much more sheer skill in knowing when to perch out of the way to heal, when to pocket your fellow support and when to counter dive the enemy dive tank.

And one day, when you’re the 100hp strange, holding up shield on point desperately trying to live, or the diver deep in the back that got mantis slept, that light orb rebounded from the rocket halfway across the map hidden in a safe tiny crevasse starts to really mean something.

2) The main difference between the 30/2 Bully Maguire and the 2/30 Mary Jane backbreaker is not their mechanics, but their inability to read the situation.

You could practice the b-hop tech, spawn to point rollout and 1-shot combo all you want.

If you’re diving the enemy team 1v6, and your team just respawned, shit just doesn’t work man. And this goes for all divers.

Patience, positioning and awareness will make the difference. I do recommend having decent aim, but knowing when to get in, get out, or stay in, is everything. Not learning any of this changes your experience on the character.

3) Marvel Rivals is a team hero shooter. Play with yo feckin’ team.

The hardest part of Magik, my main, is not trying to hit your combos (aka having good mechanics). You can grind as much as you want in the training range or against bots, but you are still not diffing the enemy 1v6 with the nastiest combos.

The hardest part is, genuinely, trusting your team to do their part so as to make your job easier. You need aware strategists that know how to pocket you, cautious but brave tanks that can hold solid frontlines while you go make plays and thinking dps to maintain pressure and draw attention so you can make your plays.

You could do some insane play, win a 1v3 against their backline or smth, but it wouldn’t matter if the enemy somehow simultaneously rolled your team when you weren’t there.

Sometimes, the right play wasn’t to go out of your way to chase the strategist. In fact, it’s usually to poke at their tank from behind the cart and constantly apply pressure to their frontline before taking advantage of miss-positioning to get a pick. Knowing your task in the moment is the core skill you should gain as you play.

Your stats might not be as stellar as they could be, but in the end, that SVP really doesn’t mean much vs a full on win.

So, the next time you want to complain about no-skill characters, understand that you didn’t lose the mechanics battle, you lost the situational awareness battle. You got overconfident and walked in the open towards that rocket.

Now don’t complain when you gotta dip to escape his 250/s primary fire and the IW he was chilling with pulls you to your death. You made the bad choice in that moment and lost the team the fight, suck it up.

TL;DR: That rocket that died 0 times in your 5min match is still more valuable that your feeding ass. And look at your team and the scoreboard b4 doing shit bubs.

Edit: Ngl the more comments I read the more I realise some of you are either actual children or just have the reading comprehension of a second grader. I’m not sure which is worse. Also no, nitpicking individual statements of my post does not mean you win the argument XD