Not sure if this was a normal experience

Hi everyone

I’ve only had 2 massages before. Both my the same person. He was super chatty the first time and I hated it but the massage was good so I thought I would give it another go. I made it clear on my intake form that I was there for relaxation and hoped that giving little to no answers during the first bit would be hint enough.

Unfortunately, I was very wrong. He did not take the hint and talked the entire session. The things he was saying were making me very uncomfortable as well. He started talking about evolution (which is fine but I don’t want to hear this during a massage), how he never graduated high school, that he hated his college professors and was even accused of sexual harassment whole studying to be a RMT.

Then while I was on my stomach, he began massaging my legs and started doing this weird thrusting motion with his entire pelvic area while massaging. It lasted a good 2 minutes. I was extremely uncomfortable by this point but had no idea what to do.

Was any of this experience worth reporting or talking to this guys higher ups? I have next to no experience with this kind of thing but starting to feel icky the more I think about it

Edit: forgot to mention that on my intake I checked off that I suffer from migraines. Before the massage started he did this weird pinching thing around my neck for a pressure point to see if I could feel tension in my head. He said if he found the correct point it could help relieve headaches. I don’t really get how it would help considering I didn’t have a migraine at the moment. Whatever he did really hurt the left side of my head and neck. It’s been a few days and I’m still in a lot of pain