Returning player help

I wanted to play aromages, and it seems that aromages have new cards. I also found out that the game also has a new rank past Plat or Diamond I think, just like league of legends.

After I quitted MD sometime in 2022, I wanna go back and feel like playing the game again since I need to take a break from duel links for maybe a long time cause of the fcuking jaden yuki purge ruining my rank and throwing me like a ping pong ball back to back from legend 5 - legend 1 and the amount of gems that I have are lower than 200.

It gave me a headache after playing the game for 5 hours straight trying to kog (The new hero skill almost gave me brain cancer irl and die). The game seems to be 20% pure skill and 80% glue eating yellow button. I will only log back in after I get the free 1000 gems and the rush pot of greed and that's it. Atleast in MD you need to learn how to play decks and their combos without any outside help that you can't interrupt or respond to.

iirc the only rank that I reached is silver 4 and I quit after facing too many dryton, despia, bird furries, zoodiac etc. I don't know what the meta decks are right now and how they work.

The only decks that I had back then are earth machines, ursarctics, predaplants, rubics, rikka, traptrix, and aromages. However, aromages, rubix cube deck, and preds are the only decks that I've managed to complete (somewhat).

  1. Any tips, maybe? on how to grind more gems and cp since I've heard that the gem rewards right now are lower than before?

  2. On what staples to add?

  3. Are there any cards that gives backrow protection for my aromage deck aside from aromaseraphy marjoram and mana dragon zinitron?

  4. what cards that I should put aside from the generic plant support to make my deck less bricky?

  5. is the newer meta more tame or more unfair?

Most of the decks I play (plant decks) are weak to backrow removal, but still, I want to play aromages and predaplants because they literally have cute and funny arts that made me spend most of my gems and cps on their archetypes just from their artworks alone, also I like playing control decks where I can fry my opponents patience and brain power.

  1. extra question, (Theorycrafting) since I found out that the new aroma monster cards are dark attribute, can I use predaplants as an engine?

the image is unrelated to the post just to add something and marked as NSFW just in case

(Link: )