Was this CPR instructor inappropriate with me?
Inappropriate CPR Instructor?
I had a situation with a CPR/First Aid instructor today that left me feeling kind of violated and I’m curious if I’m overreacting or if I’m maybe onto something. I’m a 31 year old female and the instructor was a 50-ish year old male. I was there to get CPR certified to clear an athletic coaching requirement at the school I work at. This guy was referred to me by someone at the school district and sometimes runs mobile taining sessions out of his home. At this particular training I was the only one there and it was just the two of us alone. The regular CPR training went normally, but things got weird when he moved on to choking training, during which he brought out a black folding chair that he asked me to sit down at. He taught me how to grab someone from behind below the belly button to administer sharp pressure, and then told me that if the belly wasn’t available to reach around the chest, which he did to me from behind. This wasn’t such a big deal as it wasn’t as if his hands were on my breasts, but he then showed me what to do if I myself was choking (obviously not irrelevant but I’ve never had an instructor go over this). He instructed me to bend over the chair in order to create sharp pressure in my abdomen area (in order to dislodge an object obstructing my airway), but chose to “teach” this by manually bending me over the chair while firmly pressing the front of his body onto my backside, creating an otherwise very sexually suggestive positioning of two bodies. It was a really odd experience and I felt pretty uncomfortable. Is this normal protocol or is this guy a creep?