Sharpe shooting pain up R testicle

42-M, White, 5' 11" in the US. I have been getting my yearly physicals and routine labs and do not have any serious health issues, ex. high BP or diabetes. Married with a son. I do not use rec. drugs even THC. I am a combat vet from the Afghan war and finally recently decided to try and get back in with the VA to help with my PTSD. I tried when i got out back in 2014 but the experience was a joke and a bunch of buddies i was in with have told me it's not perfect but they've gotten better so for me so far it is.

About a month ago I suddenly started getting this sharp shooting pain up right Right testicle and it felt like it was shooting up towards my guts. Pain level was a 6 out of 10. I didn't think much of it and the following day I felt fine. Suddenly last night at 2:30 am I was awoken from sleep with that same shooting pain this time the pain would come and go and slightly higher on the pain scale enough that i could not get comfortable enough to go back to sleep.

I brought it up again with my wife this morning and of course we "googled" the symptoms and it gave me every result from Cancer to Kidney stones. It is not hurting bad enough yet that i feel like i need to go to the ER just to be given pain meds and told to follow up with my primary care. Any thoughts or should I be worried at all. I had kidney stones once before back in my early 20's but that pain was in a different spot and I had other symptoms with it. So far, I can urinate fine and do not have any feeling like i constantly have to go.