Looking for info on an old murder
Hi all! I am searching for some info on a murder that happened in Memphis decades ago, maybe in the 60s or 70s. I can remember hearing my grandmother talk about it when I was a kid but I don’t remember too many details but I’ll give you all the info I remember.
My grandmother was a housekeeper to some of the “society” families in Memphis at the time this murder happened. My Gran LOVED to talk and cut up and she was very close with some of the women she worked for, so she always had “the gossip from the high falutin’ folks” as she put it lol. I remember her talking about a “scandalous” murder that involved a society woman, maybe answering the front door and getting shot to death? That’s the part of the memory that’s fuzzy, I can’t remember if Gran said she answered the door and was shot, or was shot in her front yard, or something like that. But it would have occurred some time in the 1960s or 1970s and the woman killed was a Memphis society wife. Whatever the circumstances were, they were surrounded by some sort of scandal. Is this ringing a bell for any Memphis old timers???