Im like nobody

Do you feel like you dont have a personality?

Do you feel like nobody? No wishes no dream, just like a shall?

Does your thoughts change in 1 hour like more than 10 times?

Your thoughts are also 'thin' and you feel stupid but you are not?

You think what other people will tell and about everything

You let everybody crushes you cause you dont have a self value?

Nothing really matters anymore and you are loner but you don't feel lonely, I feel nothing. Maybe im just hypersensitive so its better to avoid all stressful situations. Im good in no stress situations, I can be funny relaxed but when I feel tension its like you cannot function and its easy to stress me. You are trying to be perfect but your mind is crazy and changes constantly, like in a moment you are this thought and in another moment, other. Sometimes im glitching 🤣