Morgana and Gwen's relationship- head canons?
My most prominent head canon about Gwen and Morgana is that Morgana didn't speak English when she came to Camelot. This, and the fact she had just been orphaned (or so she believed), meant Gwen took on an enormous weight of need: best friend and replacement parent and interpreter.
Her relationship and obsession with Gwen is very much this mixture of this history: intense reliance and privilege. Gwen's choice of Arthur over Morgana is completely crushing for Morgana, and because of a childhood of entitlement and Uther, and a complete lack of self-reflection, this intense desire for Gwen becomes a desire to control.
I did some reading on the Morgana/Guinevere relationship in the original texts, and there's just this constant enmity based on an obsessive interest in the other's sexual activity. Morgana is always trying to reveal that Guinevere and Lancelot have had an affair. One of my favorite findings was that in some of the early texts, Morgan was a lady in waiting to Guinevere, and they wore nearly identical rings (gay), and they fall out after Morgana has an affair with a knight and Guinevere tries to stop her (they really are obsessed with each other).
There're also a lot of stories about Morgana in a nunnery (hot, gay).