Cargo Docks - MGS1 recreated in blender

Hi, I'm working on a project where I'm trying to recreate the entire shadow moses nuclear disposal facility from MGS in a free 3D program called Blender. I'm trying to stay true to the original design as of now, but I might do a more detailed version in the future without straying too far from the orginal style. So I was thinking of posting WIP stuff here on the mgs reddit if people are interested.

I'm doing this for practising 3d modeling, and also as a way of studying the nuclear disposal facility. I don't have that much experience with 3d modeling. I've just recently startet, so I'm pretty new to this, but I'm learning alot by doing this project.

Shadow moses is one of my favorite locations of all time in any video game, and I've always wanted to do like a study of it.

I've only made 90% of the beginning level: Cargo Docks so far. So there is alot left to do. It's taking alot of time to re-model everything from scratch, since I'm trying to match the same size and measurement from the game. So alot of time is being put into just measuring stuff.

Here are some rendered pictures:

The water is animated. I'm going to animate the chains on the left next, and add some ripple effect to the water.

the measurement of the map is not 100%, but I'm trying to get as close as I can to the original.

Anyone know what this is? Is it a water pump? There must be a reason why there's a pipe going into the seawater

top view of the cargo docks in blender

To do:

  • Re-create all assets, mesh, map etc. in 3D from MGS1 (while staying true to the original design)
  • Mapping out the entire Shadow Moses Nuclear disposal facility from Cargo Docks all the way to the Underground base where REX is located and so on.

Future plans: Expanding the Nuclear disposal facility, like adding new rooms and facilities that were not in the original game but mentioned, but sticking to the original style. Also adding new rooms like restrooms, kitchen, offices etc. and a power plant. I will also be adding all the mgs4 alternative routes to the base.

I also want to export the levels to a game engine at one point, like unreal or unity. But I have no knowledge of how to do this yet.