I've got a weird guitar background, where to start (again)

Hey everyone! Looking for some advice here. Used to play a lot of metal guitar, was in a few local bands, and took about a 10 year break. My background was learning from a guitar teacher but not really sticking with this traditional style of learning, and instead jumping straight into unstructured practice like learning tabs from more technical artists (children of bodom, in flames, ect) that I probably shouldn't have started with to build a solid base for my guitar knowledge. Coming back to playing, I want to take a more mature route to learning the guitar; not just jumping right into sloppily playing the hardest stuff that I enjoy listening to. I do not know any theory, just the names of the strings, and how to read tabs. I know a few cords. I do not know any scale names. I read a couple posts on here already about 2 online courses that particularly caught my interest (bernth and synner). I'm looking for a way to rebuild a solid foundation of the instrument, but also already kinda know my way around the neck. Anyone have any advice on where I should restart? I definitely do not mind starting slow in a course or lesson, and prefer a more structured approach than just jumping on some guitar YouTubers page and try to pick through the videos that may or may not be worth my time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 🤘🤘