new mgmt fan here, I have a request
I thought I didn't need MGMT, but turns out I did.
Long story short: I knew MGMT by name and by Kids and Electric Feel for a very long time but didn't get a deep dive into the boys that much. Recently, Porter Robinson covered Kids live, I'm a massive Porter fan and this meant much because I knew Kids obviously and the version pleased me. After having some people talk about it, the Fantano's Loss Of Life review popping up in my feed a lot recently and that famous 2003 video, I decided to finally give it a listen and I remarked that I knew a lot of songs from the guys and it surprised me, like I didn't knew they made Little Dark Age, that was quite surprising at first. I really liked with Little Dark Age (the album) and I thought to myself "eh, I mean they are definitely a band I love, but they're not going to become my favorite band". Turns out I was wrong cause then I got into Congratulations, and I thought "well now, they are my favorite band, fuck Weezer and Porter respectfully but I'm going psychedelic". So yeah uh, in the past 6 weeks I've listened to over 30 hours of MGMT, which might not seem like a lot but they became my 9th most streamed artist all time, which is incredible. Anyways uh, yeah I'm a big management head. Also I think starting by LDA was great cause it's not that I don't like Oracular Spectacular but it would have definitely put me on a different state of mind.
So here's my request, since I'm a bit new, there's not many lore I know about the band, other then the basic facts like the fact they started in 2003 in a college dormroom, that they never wanted success in the first place and they just wanted to make music as a duo + the fact that their major pop hits were satire and parodic of the mainstream pop of the time.
SO PLEASE, give me lore, everything you know, I NEED KNOWLEDGE!!!