Ubrelvy Use Limitations

I can usually take 1 Ubrelvy 100mg and my pain subsides in about 1 hour and after 3 hours is gone. Thankful for something that actually works for me.

The limitations of how often you can take, only treat two headaches a week and only up to 8 headaches a month. No more thant 200 mg within a 24 hour period.

If I'm able to take ONE 100mg tab and it resolves my pain, if I'm not using the max dosage per headache, then shouldn't I be able to use the 1 dose of 100 mg up to 4 times a week to treat 4 seperate headaches.

Has anyone done this or talked with their DR about this? I see my DR in a couple months and will ask but wondered if anyone has any info based on their own use of Ubrelvy.