There may be a few parts to this
Legal peeps: is this money laundering?
Let’s start by saying that I am finally posting this. Please know that this is the cliffnotes version. I’d be typing out a whole book. I have been following this for quite a while. As I have said before, I apologize for the vague posts at times, I truly was just trying to get the information I needed to share this with you all. And then I was instructed that I was not to post yet.
All of this is public record and I have been watching the progress. None of this is my personal opinion. It is all hard facts gathered from research and what has been posted.
When I initially read the GoFundMe (GFM), I noticed that someone had pointed out that it pertained to Operation Seraphim, which Jordan follows on IG. They have a website as well. I traced the owner back to VA. (You will see the Lion’s Torch as well later in this post). When it was pointed out that Operation Serpahim looked and read as if they were a vilagente group and Jordan and the group got kicked out of NC due to showing up claiming they were rescuing kids being trafficked due to the Hurricane, the GFM was then changed to the money going to “Lion’s Torch”-a charity that helps victims of s trafficking. However, when I researched that entity, I found the website read exactly as the Operation Serpahim did. They basically copied and pasted that from site to site. (That money as of 2 days ago is STILL in the GFM.) I know this GFM has been reported numerous times and I have also been in talks with them directly. The Russian language on the screen shots is because the Lion’s Torch domain is Russian. This was just changed as of recently as well. Jordan fund raised this money and the GFM stated that this was to help the s trafficked victims of Helene. Then, in Jordan’s video he posted on IG stated that the local law enforcement “were not friendly” and they essentially were kicked out. Then he claimed that the state government was so happy to have them there. I think you know the answer to that. From what I can gather, this money was NOT raised for the s trafficked children of Helene. This was raised in order to raise money for their business. This has not been collected yet. Knowing what I do about business and funding for business, I am wondering if this money for victims will either pay off the loans that started the business or pay their investors back. The only thing I cannot find is when I searched for Lion’s Torch on the IRS site, who is the actual owner/founder of the charity. The good news is that charities are REQUIRED to show how they spend the money that is donated to them. That is a public record as well. (Do you remember when people started asking how they were going to use the money and Milena started posting the questions? During Jordan’s video, he stated “man power” as one of the things. So are they pocketing this?) When I made the “vague post” asking if anyone else could see the Operation Seraphim IG and website, it wasn’t to make a vague post. Just to see if I was either blocked or they deleted it and moved the information over. They had not. Something had apparently glitched and I was able to access the sites once more later that night.It was at that point I saw the Lion’s Torch site and all of its fakeness. I know that once police reports were being made and GFM was being called into question, is when Jordan changed the GFM description to the Lion’s Torch “charity.” Yet, it’s going to Jordan and his group.
People are living in tents right now in NC and these people have claimed that this money is going to them. And it’s not. Helene happened quite a while back. I am not sure what the limit is for photos on a post so I will make a part 2 of screen shots.
The answer to the final question that you may have is: yes.