Should I use my 'good' white paint when dry brushing a zenithal highlight or should I go with low quality white paints?

Hi I'm relatively new to the hobby in that I started in July. I ended up purchasing an airbrush because I was sick of not being able to prime effectively due to weather. I then learned about zenithal highlighting and have been using that method with an airbrush.

I want to try zenithal with a drybrush for two reasons. One because I've never done it before and two because I just don't want to set up the airbrush as I had to deconstruct the area to move some furniture and I'm just not up for that task right now.

So I have some Imperial Guard infantry I need to put a zenithal highlight on.

I have four whites: a cheap craft paint, Citadel Corax White, Citadel White Scar, and Pro Acryl Titanium White. Also I have a Vallejo Game Color set with a Vallejo Dead White.

The Pro Acryl is what I'm considering the 'fancy' white. I only bought it because I was on vacation in a hobby store and I saw they had it in stock and I was aware of it thanks to the praise it gets on this very subreddit.

I bought the white scar because I was so bummed at how Corax White was more of a grey and I got the craft paint because it came in a set I got.

Does the quality of the paint matter for a zenithal? Should I crack open ProAcryl or just send it with the craft paints?

The plan is to slapchop.