Pure rage and hatred episodes because of noise
Anyone else get pure rage and hatred episodes caused by sensory overload?
I’m 24 female and have been in therapy for ages now. My last session is at the end of the month. I’ve brought this issue up so many times but it’s been put down to anxiety even though my scores for BPD were HIGH…
I have issues really and with noise. If I’m not the one making the noise or putting tv or something on then it makes me rage, especially if I’m busy…
My partner has one of those steering wheels for the computer car racing games and it’s so loud!! I can feel every rumble and it sounds like someone’s doing heavy DIY upstairs. I’ve mentioned it loads but obviously I can stop them from using it.
I sit in the living room and have to put the TV on as loud as I can without it being an issue with the neighbours AND I wear headphones and BLAST music into them as loud as they will go! And i can still hear and feel it!!!
I get so mad by noise that my heart rate goes past 120bpm when I’m sat doing nothing, and I shake uncontrollably. I also sometimes ball my eyes out and want to scream!! In these moments any love for the people causing the noise I have goes out the window and in that moment I experience pure rage and hatred!!! After they stop I’m usually back to normal but it’s so frustrating…
Anyone else get this??
Is this Misophonia? Do you need a diagnosis of this or is it just something you have?