Need some help with some story details.

I'm prepping for my first campaign with my playgroup. We've played MotW before but this is my first time as Keeper (Re: my playgroup this is a No Chuds Allowed Post). I'm having a little trouble getting our first mystery fleshed out. I know what I want the vibe to be (full chaos) but I'm having trouble with the details.

For context we are using the Night Shift team playbook and all the hunters are working at the same mall. Also to be in the golden age of malls were setting our game generally in the 90s. We have a Chosen, Divine, Wronged and Monstrous in the party.

For the first campaign I want to create a situation where classic 80s-90s movie, tv, comic book characters etc. all come to life and run amok in the mall. I want Falcor flying through the food court and like RoboCop and The Terminator punching it out at Sears, or the literal Animated Xmen fighting Animated TMNTs. I'm also looking for a magical reason that no one can leave the mall. I want to give the hunters plenty of chances to utilize their Team Playbook and I want maximum bystanders.

My current working idea is there is a kid spending the day at the mall who has unknowingly made a bargain or wish with a Fae. Something like "I want this day to never end so I can keep living in my favorite stories" maybe going to the movies and comic book shop etc. but this feels a little clunky? I want the wish to enable the "characters" appearing and trap everyone in the mall, but I'm not totally sure how to word that? The "characters" would maybe appear around him or they show up if he gets scared or is threatened? The mall would be glamoured making anyone outside think it's been abandoned and everyone inside would be compelled not to leave. The hunters would have to find the kid and or figure out there is Fae involved (our Monstrous is Fae touched). All the "characters" would be minions with classic fae weakness like cold iron or maybe since they are magically created maybe running water would dispel them? But I feel like fighting the Fae that granted the wish doesn't totally make sense. It feels like it should treat the wish like a phenomenon? But I don't know how to dispel the wish yet?

I'm also open to other magical reasons everyone is trapped in the mall with 80s-90s characters causing chaos. I thought about the classic Buffy episode where everyone turns into their Halloween costumes. But if it's halloween in a mall it might just be too many people turning into their costumes? Plus not everyone is gonna be classic movie or comic character. There would be so many kids just turning into real hobos and whatnot. I thought it could be like a sci-fi/fantasy convention at the mall (there's a Critshow episode where everyone keeps turning into their cosplay). But I feel like that felt too modern? I don't remember a lot of sci fi conventions at the mall in the 90s but I could be wrong.

Anyway any story advice would be awesome thanks!