How to quit testoserone??

Hello guys i am 18 years old male and i have been taking testosterone for around 2 years now.

At first i started 250mgs and after that my brain went dumb gorilla mode and i blasted a shit ton of gear never pct. I tried equipoise, dbol, winstrol, mk677, tren, npp (not all at once). Now i have been not taking any anabolic compounds other than test and i take 200mgs.

My testicles have shrunken and i am scared they might never recover if i quit testosterone thats why i never tried to cycle off.

In the past when i was blasting i used to eat like shit but now i am actually really researchin about nutrition and eating single ingredient foods.

At 200mg test c per week my total test was at 2500 test total. How do you guys think i should lower my test week by week?