I think my mom misheard me and misinterpreted a situation big time. She also has a history of false assumptions and being cocky.

My mom is one those people who likes to twist peoples words and hears what she wants to hear.

Her eyes and her body language looked serious but her words and tone didnt match. She also turned her back towards me and said "I don't care." When I asked "Was that mean?" (I was aaking her if I was being mean) And "Did you hear me wrong?" After I told my son "thats why you don't run with only one shoe." (For context my mom is the kind of person who assumes the worst and is in her own reality. My son is 18 months old.) That and "I don't care" was not really an answer to the questions I àsked her. Unless she was trying to say that she thought it was mean but did not care.

My son and I were in the hallway next to my room when he tripped and my mom was still in my room when it happened. I don't think she saw it but I know she heard it. Thats when I told my son "Thats why you don't walk with one shoe." And my mom acted weird when we walked back in my room after that. When he tripped in the hallway it was while wearing the new shoes that my mom got him that I hate. (She does not know that I hate the shoes though cause when she showed me them I just said thank you cause I did not want to be ungrateful) She got him crocs that were too big and the shoe kept falling off. I worry that she misinterpreted what she heard when he tripped or if she heard me wrong when I said "Thats why you don't walk with one shoe." Or if she falsely assumed that I pushed him when she heard him trip. (She did not SEE what happened when he tripped. She just heard it. And she is also the kind of person who has always assumed the worst about me and I am always truamatized by her.)

My son also smacked me when I was not expecting it and my mom was not completely paying attention when it happened. She was in her own world until she heard the smack sound and then gave me a serious look as if she thought I smacked him when he is the one who smacked me. She was looking away from me and did not look at me until after my son smacked me. (It was not even that hard but it was still odd. It made me think she either thought that I smacked him (i did not) or if she thought that him hitting me was learned behaviour like if she thought that I taught him to do that. She did not give him a mean look, she gave ME a mean look.)

I also have a soft voice and other people have admitted to me that they hear me wrong by accident sometimes and that I need to speak up sometimes. But my mom never thinks "Maybe I heard her wrong." She just flat out assumes the worst. (This is not me being paranoid. Other people have admitted to me that they have heard me wrong by accident before. )

My mom also made false assumptions about my pregnancy that were not true. She kept telling me that my son was going to be premature. (She was wrong. He turned out to be full term. And after he was born she just kept saying "I really thought he was going to be a peemie" while she stood there in shock. She also use to say "He is going to be a preemie" with a huge grin on her face. Idk why she would be happy about that. I guess she just assumed my son would be premature because when I was a baby I was premature. But the way that she acted about it was still creepy cause it made it seem as if she WANTED him to be a preemie and WANTED me to have a bad birth experience so that she can pretend she is a saint when she isnt.

She also thought that my son was going to be a girl before we found out the gender. I had a feeling it was going to be a boy even before that but she didn't believe me. I have all sisters and no brothers. After I told her I was having a boy I asked her "Are you surprised" and she said "Yeah I am actually. You broke the girl chain."

Also, these are not the only shittastic things my evil mother has done. I have a lot of other posts about all of the other things she has done to me. This is just the tip of the iceberg. She has done way worse things.